All Saints Anglican Church | Children’s Church

Next Sunday Service:

02 February 2024 ‖ 08h30

Wednesday Service (weekly) ‖ 09h30

Togetherness and Community. We Welcome You.

Notice Board

Baptisms: Please contact the office for more information on adult and child baptisms for 2025.
Soup Kitchen: Thank you for the soup makers and donators for all your care you have given this year. Your generosity assisted with easing the pain of hunger of so many. Soup Kitchen donations close 1/12/24 and will resume 5/01/25
Bell Ringing: We will be holding Bell Ringing practices on Saturdays at 15h00. Please join us if you are interested. For more info, contact the office.
JOIN OUR CENTERING PRAYER GROUP TUESDAY’S AT 09h30 The Prayer Group meets for a time of sharing and silent prayer at 9.30 on a Tuesday morning each week. All are welcome. We spend 20 minutes in silent prayer, and some discussion which ends at approximately 10.30 am.

Belong. | Become.. | Believe…

Philippians 3. 8-11


Whether you are a regular or making your first visit to All Saints, you are most welcome. Our church services take place on Sundays and Wednesdays and you will find All Saints a welcoming and relaxed place to practice, or re-connect with, your faith.

We look forward to worshipping with you soon.

The Spirit of Dedicated Giving


Our Services offer a balance of the traditional and the more modern approach to worship depending on which service you choose. Our Sunday Service takes place each Sunday at 08h30.

Other Ministries

In addition to our traditional ministries and faith based engagement with our members and visitors we have a special focus on Youth, Children and Messy Church. All inclusive, creative and absorbing ways to encounter God.

Recent Insights

We are All Saints

We are all about the simplicity of the experience of journeying with God. Our home lies in secluded beauty in the heart of Fourways. We offer two services on a Sunday and a further service on a Wednesday. Our ministering team comprises a group of dynamic individuals who are passionate about their relationship with God and sharing the message with others who are looking to continue or start their spiritual and religious relationship with Him.

What We Do

We inspire your journey with God wherever and whenever we can.

“We are to come before our God, bow down and worship Him. We are to sing for joy and shout aloud His salvation. We are to extol Him with music, song and life.” Psalm 95:1-7 

Our Team

Reverend Dave Osburn

Spiritual Formation Jean Pienaar 083 234 3371

Vibrant Christian Community Arnold Shkaidy 082 549 5275

Radical Outreach Yanga Ncata 067 872 1200

Children’s Church Natasha Bailey 082 416 1261

Office Administration Lorelle Samuel 066 132 7755

Gardener and Groundsman Peter Vune

Janitor Jillian Maguguze

Verger Mduduzi Ngubane

Janitor Nomusa Mthethwa

Bookkeeper Heather Mutch

Keep Updated

If you would like to register your details with us, we’ll make sure you don’t miss a news item again. Simply complete this form to register your details. We look forwarding to connecting with you soon.
