What is Messy Church?
Messy Church began at All Saints Fourways in December 2009, and was the first Messy Church in South Africa. Messy Church is a way of BEING church for families and others. It is aimed at helping people encounter Jesus and build relationships within their families and communities. Once a month, in a relaxed environment, thematic activities and a brief celebration make church accessible to families and encourage people of all ages to come closer to God by journeying with each other and eating together.
The core values of Messy Church are about being Christ-centred, for all ages, based on creativity, hospitality and celebration.
- The hands-on fun activities to explore Bible stories reflect a God of creativity and give people a chance to play together.
- Messy Church reflects a God of unconditional love and is a church for people outside church, providing an oasis of welcome and a safe space in which to thrive.
- Messy Church also reflects a God of joy who wants people to have life in all its fullness.
Messy Church can be found in over 30 countries across the world, touching approximately 500000 lives every month.
We would love to have you join us!
Ministry Leadership
Jean Pienaar

Next Messy Church:
Next Messy Church: 07 July 2024
Messy Church takes place on the first Sunday of the month 15h00 – 17h00. See our WhatsApp messaging service for up-to-date details.
Should you have any queries, or wish more information, you can contact jean@hit.co.za
For general queries please contact the church office on +27 11 467 0316 or via email at info@allsaints.co.za.
Bring your families and friends to join us for a relaxed afternoon to creatively and interactively explore the Bible. We will continue to host the children from Mother of Peace orphanage that you have so wonderfully supported the last two years, so please consider joining us each month to build relationships with these children, if you aren’t bringing your own children or grandchildren.