At All Saints Anglican Church we offer a Dedicated Giving program as a central source of funding for our church and community-based activities. Our approach to Dedicated Giving is based on the spiritual and financial benefits that arise when we are giving of our available resources selflessly and willingly. We do not obligate you to consider joining our program but urge you to consider Dedicated Giving as a lifestyle choice based on personal and community benefit.
We kindly ask that you read about our Dedicated Giving philosophy and program below and perhaps reflect on how you can become a part of the Dedicated Giving community at All Saints.
Register For Dedicated Giving
Let’s Honor The Lord With Our Giving
“Remember this, whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly. And whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” 2 Corinthians 9:6
Dedicated Giving is often associated with a religious obligation to give money each month by parishioners to the church. At All Saints we take a more holistic and spiritual approach to the value of Dedicated Giving and the spiritual nourishment that it brings.
Dedicated Giving, whilst often financial in nature is more about a way of living and the nature and purity of giving both in terms of financial resources and personal time. There is a deep-rooted sense of gratitude in action when we are giving and when we are dedicated to give.
“As he looked up, Jesus saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasury. He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins. ‘I tell you the truth,’ he said, this poor widow has put in more than all the others. All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had….’”
Luke 21:1-4
The Bible is clear: people of faith should give and those who do so are especially noted and blessed by God. In wider society, there are many worthy causes that benefit and owe their existence to the generosity and giving of others. It is less about where you give and what you give, and more about the act itself and embracing the act as part of a regular giving attitude. It is a reconnection to a state of natural spiritual being. Giving is gratitude in action. It is the embodiment of kindness, generosity and being in community with God and others.
Those who share with others demonstrate, in many ways, that they are successfully resisting greed and selfishness. Qualities that are ascribed to our capitalist and consumer lifestyles created by the ever-present desire for more. More money, more things, more for me, and by a cruel association, less for others. There is a universal truth that the more we seem to have materially, the less we seem to have spiritually. A balance can be struck however, and our relative abundance should never be a cause for shame however a lack of willingness to give and to share, when we can, ought to be.
Money should not become the new God. The pursuit of money rather than the pursuit of happiness can be seen as the source of many of the problems experienced in the world today. Certainly, we should take pride in our achievements that bring us financial reward and we should not feel guilty for any apparent financial abundance we have, assuming this money has been achieved through honest endeavour. We pay taxes and this is a legal requirement but how we spend our disposable income whether this be a large or a small sum speaks to our relationship with self, our relationship with others and our relationship with money itself.
“a love of money is the root of all kinds of evil”
1 Timothy 6:10
By sharing we show that we live with a spirit of abundance and not a fearful spirit of hoarding selfishness. The Spiritual Principle of Dedicated Giving brings with it the need for faith and trust. The act of giving as part of our spiritual health restores our faith and our trust in the importance of community with God and community of others. The foundations of our consciousness are laid with faith, trust, kindness and an attitude of sharing for the greater good. Our personal wellbeing is a function of spiritual health rather than material wealth. That is not to say there is anything wrong with material wealth, however, to remain spiritually grounded we should consider the importance of the act of giving.
At All Saints we offer a Dedicated Giving Program. Dedicated Giving can be financial, and we urge you to consider a regular contribution as part of your ongoing dedication to your faith and to our Church. Whether you are a regular at All Saints or a more casual observer of your faith, we believe there is spiritual value to be gained in making this contribution such that we are able to continue our work effectively in the community, provide resources and a community space for those who wish to connect with us, whether it be to practice their faith or for those seeking refuge from the trials of life and circumstances. We ask that you be bold and committed and that you trust in this process for the betterment of others and your spiritual wellbeing. The amount you give and where you give is for you to reflect on. Your generosity and kindness need not all be offered to All Saints. We do however urge you to consider Dedicated Giving as an integral part of your lifestyle.
You may also be in a position where you can bring skills, talent and time to All Saints and the wider community here in Fourways. To be giving of yourself, in some way shares the gifts that have been bestowed upon you. You may be a carer, an organiser, a teacher, coach, a mentor. Examples of skills that are desperately needed in our community. We invite you to participate with us and be the change needed in our society.
If you’d like to become a Dedicated Giver at All Saints, you can do this through regular monthly contributions that you deem affordable and consistent with you Dedicated Giving lifestyle. You can complete the form below to start your Dedicated Giving journey. Alternatively, be mindful of our banking details should you wish to make more informal acts of Giving. All donations are anonymous unless you wish to signify a reason or acknowledgement for your Giving.
If you like to offer your skills, please contact the church office. We’d love to have you join our team.
Giving via bank transfer
You can donate via EFT on the following banking details:
Fourways All Saints Standard Bank, Johannesburg Branch Code 020500 Account Number: 00 000 393 703
Giving via our wish list
Please see our wish list for items required by the church and our outreach programs. Kindly contact the church office for details on drop off and latest requirements.