What a time to be alive in Johannesburg, in Gauteng and in South Africa. Our Diocese continues to minister in an ever-changing environment. We continue to pray for our City
and all who were affected by the Bree Street explosion.
Congratulations and Moves and Placements

Please pray for the following clergy and the parishes and communities they represent in their time of transition:
➢ Revd Canon Trevor Prince new licensing as Rector of St Gabriel’s Florida. Canon Trevor started his ministry on the 1st August 2023.
➢ We welcome Revd Innocent Mabheka to the Diocese as an assistant priest licensed to the parish of St Stephen’s, Sunninghill, he started his ministry there on the 1st July 2023.
➢ Revd Canon Godfrey Henwood will be the Interim Rector at Sunninghill from 1st August 2023
➢ We give thanks for the ministry of Revd Tshepo Maloka who has been a priest in the church of God for 31 years. Fr Maloka has served in many parishes in our Diocese. He was the Rector of the Kagiso cluster. Revd Tshepo retired from active ministry at the end of June 2023.
➢ Revd Kamohelo Kotsi who was an assistant priest at the Church of the Resurrection, Meadowlands is now licensed to St Bartholomew and St Thomas, Kagiso cluster.

Clergy Day
➢ Clergy Day reminder – We have clergy day next week Tuesday 08 August 2023 at 09h00 here at the Diocesan Centre. The meeting will be focusing on the First Agenda Book Rule amendments for the upcoming Diocesan Synod. This will help you to inform your parish delegates and give an opportunity to have questions answered before we go to Synod.

Diocesan Synod
➢ With the Synod preparation well under way, please lookout for nuggets and tips of how to succeed at synod. Synod starts on the 26th October 2023. Let us have preparatory conversations in our parishes and archdeaconries.

GFS World Council
➢ The Girls and Boys Friendly Society South Africa is hosting the GFS World Council in partnership with the department of Tourism. Delegates from around the world
have started arriving, the council is running from 3- 11 August 2023.
✓ The closing service will take place at the Cathedral of St Mary the Virgin on the 9 August 2023 at 09h00.

MyAnglican Training
➢ MyChurchIT team are offering the Diocese’s Archdeacons, Priests, Wardens, and other key parties two forms of training on the MyAnglican Church Management System with a general introduction, basic showing of the portals of the System and to especially answer questions.
The two forms of training are:
1. In-person: at the Diocesan office of the two dates on Wednesdays starting at 15h00 and ending at 17h00 on 16th and 30th August 2023
2. Online: This is done via Zoom each Wednesday from 15h00 with this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87655406749 Meeting ID: 876 5540 6749

Diocesan Staff
➢ The IDEO is recovering well from her knee replacement operation and thanks you for your prayers and concern. She is still on medical leave and working part-time from home.
➢ Ms Tshepang Dibetso, who had a complex leg fracture is still unable to return to the office but is also working from home.

We continue to ask Christ the healer to restore you both completely.

We wish all the ladies in the Diocese a blessed WOMENS DAY on Wednesday.
We celebrate and affirm the sterling work you carry out in your parishes and communities.

Published 05 August 2023
