As I write this message I am anticipating a very busy weekend, with our Strategic Planning scheduled for Saturday and Baptisms for Sunday. I can feel my excitement and anticipation at the wonderful ways in which God is leading and encouraging us into a “ministry of all believers”. Over the next few weeks I will share details of the decisions we have made for our direction in 2021. We will also begin this week our Advent Course. We have chosen to use a resource that deepens and grows our prayer life. This is an eight week offering which we will divide into 2 blocks of 4. The first block will be offered in person on a Wednesday morning @ 09h30 and on-line Thursday evenings @ 17h30. If you are doing the on-line offering please do register so that we can send the zoom link to you. All are welcome, so invite a family member or friend to join us on this journey.
We have 2 weeks left to the Church Year, and I can feel how the time has flown by! I am hoping this will give an opportunity to each of you to spend some time in reflection. A time where we hold up this past year to the light of the Holy Spirit, asking God to reveal to us the purpose and intent of all that has happened. Allowing ourselves, through this reflection, to lift up to God our needs for the future.
So that, when we come to Sunday 28th November we are ready to enter into a new year of journeying more deeply into the mystery that is God, and our calling to a life of service. Deep gratitude to Bishop Mpulwana for the message that he will share in our Baptism Service. As a close friend of the family he has agreed to join me in this act of welcoming Ava and Anani into our community of faith. The flurry of baptisms we have had are reminding me of the early church described in Acts 2:42-47 Especially “They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favour of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”
Pray for me, I am praying for you.
Reverend Anastasia Huntley
14 November 2021