Today we gather as a family to give thanks to God for they way He is increasing our membership. We welcome into baptism Mpumzi and Olivia, and next week our confirmation candidates as having made a personal and adult commitment to Christ. What wonderful things God is doing among us! It gives us an opportunity as a family of faith, to reflect on our own faith journey. How God has drawn us into a life with Christ, how God continues to walk with us and call us into deeper relationship, and the faithfulness and grace with which God holds us all. I have found that there is always MORE with God! And God is truly at work in our community to bring us into the fullness of the stature of Christ.
Our collect for this week reminds us that every spiritual gift and talent we have been given by God is to be used in love. Without love, all that we do and say does not carry the heart of God. Meaning that God cannot use or anoint it to God’s great purpose. We are in the month of Dedicated Giving, where we are reflecting on the ways God may be seeking to use for the building up of the Kingdom all that God has entrusted to us. This week we are offered the opportunity to reflect on those places and spaces where we live and move, and how God may be seeking us to show His love to those around us. How can we consciously use our gifts and talents, where we are, in love, to minister to those
around us? How can we show the love of God, through the use of our ordinary and everyday lives? And how might you become a more loving member of THIS family of faith, where God has planted you? Are there perhaps ways that you can contribute your gifts and talents to build up this family so we may become powerful witnesses to those around us of the grace and goodness of God? May all these reflections draw you closer to the vocation to which God has called you.
Pray for me, I am praying for you.
With much love and light on the week ahead

Reverend Anastasia Huntley

10 October 2021
