It’s hard to believe we are already in October!! This year seems to have just flown by, even though it has been tough there is a sense of freshness in the air after the lovely rain. What a blessing God has given us in this place where we worship. Today for St Francis of Assisi Sunday we are outdoors enjoying this gift from God.
October also kicks off what we know as DG Month, where we focus on “dedicated giving” or as some call it “tithing”. It is an opportunity for us to really connect to the truth we pray over the collection every Sunday “all things come from You and of Your own do we give You”. This spiritual awareness is important in our life as believers seeking to follow God’s will and build up the Kingdom.. It is an awareness that everything we have, literally everything, comes from God. One way I think about this is that everything I have and call my own actually is entrusted to me by God, so that I may participate in God’s great ministry and plan for the world. This spiritual principle is not just about our
financial resources or material possessions but our whole life. Our time, our talents, our abilities, our passions, our relationships, our health—literally everything. All comes from God and we choose to use it to the glory of God and the building up of the Kingdom. St. Ignatius captures the essence of this in the Sucipie prayer: Take Lord and receive. All my liberty, all my memory, all my understanding, my entire will, all that I have and call my own. You have given all to me. To You, Lord I return it. Everything is Yours. Do with it what You will. Grant me only Your love and grace. It is enough for me. So, as we journey through the month we will be focusing on ways in which we can become more faithful in our following, through the giving of ourselves to the ministry God seeks us to do in the world, both as individuals and as a community of faith. What a privilege and joy to be a part of Gods great plan! Pray for me, I am praying for you.
With much love and light on the week ahead.

Reverenend Anasasia Huntley

03 October 2021
