Spring continues to tease us with her presence, bringing me a fresh sense of appreciation for how “every thing has it’s season”. As I reflect on all that God is doing in this place, I am filled with gratitude for God’s love and faithfulness. This week as we continue in the Season of Creation our theme is: “Oikumene – the whole inhabited world”. We are called this week to reflect deeply on God’s love for the whole created order, God’s desire to work in and with and through us to bring “life in all
abundance”, and to receive the blessings of fresh starts that spring promises. We are also preparing for our Heritage Day weekend, and I am hoping that some of you may have the time and resources to take this opportunity to get away somewhere. These months of COVID have really limited our ability to take time out, and so even if you are unable to go somewhere, perhaps you can dedicate this weekend to “taking time out with God”. What I mean by that, is becoming more intentionally aware of God’s presence in the whole created order. Whether a sunrise, or a bird song, or a delicious meal—take some time to savour God’s presence and goodness. Our common heritage is described in our readings for today. A heritage that promises us wisdom that comes from God. A wisdom described in the letter to James as one that grows us in gentleness, asks for us to be willing
to yield to God and is full of mercy which brings good fruits. I know I am in need of this heritage as I navigate this thing called life! And I pray that you will spend some time seeking to receive it for whatever situation you may encounter this week.
Please also pray for our Province as we enter our Virtual Provincial Synod starting Tuesday. There is so much to be thankful to God for, and so much that we need Gods wisdom for as we seek to be disciples of Jesus in this generation. We will send out on our social media platforms the special prayer written for Synod and I ask that each of you pray this for the week. Pray for me, I am praying for you. With much love and light on the week ahead.

Reverend Anastasia Huntley

19 September 2021
