Every August, we as the community of the faithful, have the opportunity to more deeply reflect on and practice compassion. The Gospels tell us that Jesus did many miracles because He “was moved with compassion”. How do we become more moved by compassion, for ourselves, our loved one’s, the church and creation? This will be our journey over the next 5 weeks. To help us journey more deeply together we have launched a “Compassion Challenge” which you can participate in via one of our social media platforms. I hope that this will create a sense of being more deeply connected to one another, for we are called to be on a journey together, growing daily into the likeness of Christ.
It is with great excitement that we reconvene our in-person services today! I have missed being physically present with you. For those who do not yet feel safe to return to in-person services just yet, please know that time and distance do not separate us as the Body of Christ. To take full advantage of the opportunity to be in-person, we are planning a number of special services this month. Today we give thanks to God for Owen, who will be sharing a powerful testimony to the impact that the compassion of others can have on a life. Next week we will celebrate Women’s Day and also have in person Sunday school. Our Men’s Ministry will be doing something special for all the women in the
parish. We will culminate the month with a Healing Service on Sunday 29 August. There has been much trauma and challenges for everyone, and this will be an opportunity to bring all of that to God.
I leave you with the encouragement from our Ephesians reading. That we are to live a life worthy of our calling, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing one another with love. May the week ahead be filled with opportunities to grow in the understanding of our calling and unity of Spirit as we navigate the challenges that will come.
Pray for me, I am praying for you.
Reverend Anastasia Huntley
01 August 2021