I left you with an invitation last week to lean into God’s response to Paul – “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” And offered that perhaps in these times it is about learning to trust God more deeply. I know that this invitation has been timely for me and the family as we navigated our first set of COVID positive results. During this time a deep sense of peace came over my heart and mind. A peace that was grounded in trusting that whatever may come, and whatever may happen, God would remain present to me and those I love and pray for. Perhaps this is the “glorious liberty of the children of God” that our collect for this week speaks about? The freedom from fear and anxiety, at a deep level, that comes from knowing to whom we belong?
We read in our Gospel today how John the Baptist is murdered for speaking truth to power. And it got me wondering about how he was feeling and what he was praying for as he sat in chains? Did he too have a sense of peace, that he had been faithful to God’s call on his life? Or did he believe that God would somehow save his life? These questions may feel heavy, but I do believe that as this 3rd wave rips through our world—they are perhaps timely questions to ask. Jesus too goes to his death for speaking truth and love to the power structures of his day. So, we know that just because we are believers, children of God, we are not exempt from death. Yet we are called to live in the glorious liberty of the children of God. Free from the fear of death, sickness or any other adversity. Echoing Jesus’ invitation to us two weeks ago—”Do not be afraid, only believe”. Believe in God’s great love and grace. Believe in God’s power to bring healing and restoration. Believe that God seeks us out in the broken and lost places of our lives. Believe that He withholds no good thing from those He loves.
Believe that no matter what may come, God will never let you go. Pray for me, I am praying for you..