Jesus says in our Gospel today “Do not be afraid, just believe”. Powerful words spoken into our current situation! There is much to be afraid of as we experience the full force of this 3rd wave. In-person worship has been suspended, leading us to be fearful of the impact on God’s people. Infection rates are rising, leading us to be fearful for ourselves and those we love. The economy continues to take strain, leading to fear for our financial and job security. Yes, indeed there is much to fear. Yet Jesus tells us, just believe. Believe what you may ask? I would offer that what Jesus is asking us to believe may be very personal to our situation or circumstance. For me, as we isolate with one of our family members COVID positive, Jesus may be asking me to believe in His love and grace. As the leader of this community, Jesus may be asking me to believe that God always has a plan. And as a working professional Jesus may be asking me to believe that God always provides. I invite you all to spend some time this week asking Jesus to reveal what it is you need to believe so that fear may not take ahold of your heart and mind.
We also see in the Gospel that while Jesus is still on his way to heal Jairus’ daughter, he encounters the woman with the issue of blood. As a father who is distraught over his daughter perhaps he is impatient with the delay? This led me to wonder about how many people Jesus seeks to heal, and that as I witness his presence in the lives of others that does not mean he has forgotten my situation. At a time when we cannot meet in-person, let us continue to witness to one another, both our deep need for Jesus as well as the wonders and mercies he is doing in our lives. Let us continue to encourage one another as each of us weathers the storms of life, certain that God’s compassion is steadfast and that God’s healing grace is there to transform us into a Resurrection people.

Pray for me, I am praying for you..

Reverend Anastasia Huntley

27 June 2021
