It is clear that we are fully into this 3rd wave. And with it comes much stress, uncertainty and anxiety. Last week I shared how God seeks to be with us in these traumatic times. This morning Jesus gives us the encouragement that God remains at work in the small things. From God’s provision for a new king in the anointing of David as a child, to the mustard seed which though small, grows into a mighty tree, echoed by Paul’s encouragement that we walk by faith and not by sight. All of these words come to us on a Sunday before Youth Day where we mark the sacrifices and trauma of the events of 16 June. Things are not as they appear outwardly. Though outwardly our worlds may feel or look like they are falling apart, God remains faithful and present. Seeking us out and at work in the small things. May this be an encouragement to all of us, individually and as a community of believers. May this message of solidarity and work of grace that God shares with us today, give us the hope we need to counter despair, give us the strength we need in our times of weakness, and grant us the serenity through all the crises we encounter.
A special gratitude to our VIBE Youth and Connect for leading us in worship today. These times are especially hard on our young people and we thank God for using them so powerfully to proclaim His presence among us. Thank you also to Revd. Mosieleng for stepping in at short notice to preside over our Eucharist this morning. I am being cautious after our son Ethan was informed of exposure through one of his instructors, but should be back in service next week.
As we enter this new week, filled with its own events, let us hold tightly to the knowledge that God
goes before us and has already provided everything that we may need.
Pray for me, I am praying for you.
Reverend Anastasia Huntley
13 June 2021