Today with Palm Sunday we preview the Passion of Christ, and enter Jerusalem with Jesus. We are called to faithfully follow him through the events of this last week of his public ministry. To meet with him in the upper room on Thursday night where he will institute the Holy Eucharist, and humbly wash the feet of his disciples. We will be asked to faithfully enter his final hours, joining him at the Garden of Gethsemane. Following him to the house of the High Priest, and then onto to Pilate. Witness the denial of Peter and the crowds that bay for him to be crucified. We are asked to be found at the foot of the cross with his mother Mary and the handful of disciples who have not fled. We are to watch him suffer and die. To enter into the darkness of the three days Jesus spent in the realm of death. And be found in the garden of the Resurrection on Easter
These events are given to us generation after generation so that we may more deeply enter into the mystery that is God’s unwavering love towards us. That we may receive anew the forgiveness of our sins. And grab more firmly ahold of the resurrection life that God offers through the incarnate Christ. Despite the strict COVID guidelines—which we are all to faithfully adhere to—these services will be offered in person and on line. For details and to register please go to our website and look on the Holy Week Essentials page. I am deeply aware of how God seeks to meet us afresh in these uncertain times, to give us hope and strength to persevere, and to bring healing and light, through us, to a broken and wounded world. I am praying for you, please continue to pray for me. With love and light on you and yours.

Reverend Anastasia Huntley

28 March 2021
