Today we celebrate our 1st Sunday in Lent. If you have not yet begun your Lenten disciplines of Prayer, Fasting and Alms Giving, I encourage you to begin today! Our readings today focus on the necessity of this Lenten season. A season of preparation, in hope, to receive the great gift of grace that is revealed through Jesus at Easter. It is a time to receive anew the call to Covenant made by God with our fore bearers. As the Holy Spirit drives us into this wilderness experience, God is able strip away all that is hindering our liberty as the children of God, which is our true heritage. As I mentioned in my Ash Wednesday sermon, the purpose of each of these Lenten disciplines is to allow God to amend our lives, so that “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”. Prayer encourages us to remain aware of the constant presence of God, so that we may “give thanks in all situations”. Fasting allows us to begin the process of changing our disordered attachments to the things of this world. And Alms Giving allows us to practice our belief that all we have comes from God, is not our own, and is to be used for the building up of the Kingdom. Yet at the heart of each of these is also our relationships. With God, with ourselves and with others. For in the end it is the dual commandment of love that shapes our lives as believers. This is a life long journey into the mystery that is God’s deep and unconditional love and faithfulness to us. God’s desire to transform and renew us. To give us life in all abundance. May this mystery embrace you this week, as you practice your Lenten Disciplines.

I am praying for you, please continue to pray for me.

With love and light on you and yours.

Reverend Anastasia Huntley

21 February 2021
