Our Gospel today affirms the authority of Christ over every time, circumstance and situation. This is a reassuring word to hear amidst such uncertainty. And the hope of our calling as children of God. There are other signs of hope that God is also reassuring us with. As you know, Vestry has been postponed indefinitely and our current Parish Council has been requested to continue serving. I am pleased to share that overall most members will remain in their portfolio’s. Last week I asked each of you to pray about the new adventures God may be calling you into. I continue with this request, as there will be a number of opportunities to serve in 2021. This may not be as an official member of Parish Council, but can also be as support of the different virtual ministry offerings we are planning beginning during our Lenten Season which is almost upon us. Paul reminds us in his letter today, that to serve is to build up the body of Christ. And in this serving it is not knowledge which builds up (edifies) but rather it is love. Only love has the power to build, to heal, to grow, to encourage, to meet us in every point of need. So as you open your life to God’s call in this place, remember that all God needs from you is an exercising of your love for our brothers and sisters (both inside and outside our community). May this act as an invitation and an encouragement to become more active in the work of God through this place.
At this point, it is uncertain when in person services will resume. Again, this uncertainty can become an opportunity! In this case an opportunity to “be church differently”. As leadership, this is the question we are wrestling with and seeking the guidance of the One to Whom we belong. And it is my firm belief that the answer will reveal itself as we live in response to God’s love. Practicing a life of gratitude even in the midst of all we are experiencing.
I am praying for you, please continue to pray for me.
With love and light always.