Beautiful Saints planted by grace in this community, peace be with you. Over the week we have given you an opportunity to sign a PLEDGE as part of our participation in the 16 Days of Activism for NO violence against women and children. Today in our service we will use that same pledge as part of our call to repentance echoing the Gospel reading. We are all aware that the state of our gender relationships reflect a deeper brokenness in our society. And often I feel overwhelmed by how large a healing task this is, wondering how to play my part in the restoration God seeks to bring. Signing the PLEDGE is one small act of commitment to take responsibility for our individual attitudes and actions. Believing that as we are faithful in the small things, God is able to do something significant with the whole. We believe this in the light of our Advent Season. A season dedicated to growing in “hopeful expectation” even as we are faced with stark realities that may undermine this hope. Our hope is grounded in the knowledge that God seeks to be present in and with and through us. That God has not
deserted us, God is not absent, but rather deeply concerned with the human experience. And so, like John, we are called this week to reflect more deeply on how God seeks us to participate in His plan of salvation. A plan to bring the whole created order into right relationship. A plan to bless us and give us hope and a future. May God speak into your heart this week. Please continue to pray for me and be assured that I am praying for you.

With love and light on all you will experience in the week ahead.

Reverend Dr. Anastasia Huntley
