In the readings set for today we are reminded that each believer is a temple for God’s Holy Spirit. We see in Jesus this morning the “zeal” that God has for His temple. A desire to cleanse and renew each believer. Lent is an opportunity to open ourselves to this cleansing power of God, through our disciplines of prayer, fasting and alms giving. Each Sunday in Lent we read the 10 commandments given to the people at Mount Sinai. Jesus takes these same commandments and summarizes them into the Dual Commandment of Love.
Perhaps the cleansing and healing work that God seeks to do in each of us, lives in the space of our relationships? Perhaps our Lenten Disciplines need to be focused on taking care of our relationships? I wonder how each of us are doing on the “loving ourselves”? Especially in these turbulent times it may be difficult to find space and time for self-care. Perhaps opening ourselves to experiencing God’s deep love for us may also deepen our love of God? Perhaps as we soak up God’s deep love and cleansing work, we may be able to love others more fully?
Wherever you are in your Lenten journey, I trust you have a deep sense of God’s desire to meet you in this place, to cleanse you by His mighty power, and to bring healing and renewal. I encourage each of us to open ourselves to this initiative of the One who created, loves, and calls you into the fullness of life.
I am praying for you, please continue to pray for me.
With love and light on you and yours.
Reverend Anastasia Huntley
07 March 2021